What are the benefits of Powerflush?
- lower heating bills due to improved heating efficiency
- quicker heat up times
- radiator cold spots are cured so that the full surface of the radiator heats your room
- increases boiler and pump life
- removing contaminants and extending central heating system lifespan
- curing boiler noise
The engineer will add a corrosion inhibitor to protect your central heating system in future years. It will prevent internal corrosion and deterioration, sludge formation, scale deposition and boiler noises.
Central Heating and Boilers
- installation, service, repair -
- The boiler or pump is noisy
- Combi boiler blocked heat exchanger, hot water demand - boiler fires up than goes off
- Reduced hot water temperature
- Boiler overheats or shuts off when hot water is needed
- The radiators have cold spots or not working
- It takes ages for the system to warm up
- Radiators need regular bleeding of accumulated air
- Evidence of sludge and rust in the system
- Pump failures
Coming soon
- powerflush training courses -
- we will share our expertise -how to powerflush boiler
how to powerflush radiators
how to unblock heat exchanger
Corrosion inside circulatory pump causing pump failures and circulation problems.
Rust reduced the diverter valve diameter from 22mm to around 7mm severely reducing circulation.
Inside the internal boiler component, dirt and rust causing boiler breakdowns.